poniedziałek, 17 czerwca 2019

Dripping down - sadness

We enter the space filled with blue light, welcomed by the delayed voice of an artist. We (the spectators) assemble. The story that we’re about to hear originates in a dream about an exhibition and a space in which Rafal plays the key role. In the dream and now - we are in that very space, dreamt by Ola, told by Rafal. Here and now Rafał Żarski takes on the role of a storyteller, slowly unleashing the details around his collaboration with Ola Zielińska. The interpretation of her dream triggered year-long lasting discussions leading to mutual reflections around the different modes of art-working, permanent and continues states of exhaustion leading to often a ghost-like position of young artists- often awaiting to be hosted. At one point Żarski proposes to the audience few breathing exercises, which help them fall asleep, while Zielinska partakes or takes apart that very dream through a series of other nightmarish encounters-recordings.

The space that we are in, is one of the few so-called independent project spaces that exist in Szczecin. Obronców Stalingradu 17 (deriving from the previous name of the street) is an artist-run space - also previously co-curated by Zielińska.

The installation in the space refers to space itself and its maintained in time of five years exhibiting mechanisms.

At the end of the invitation speech, Żarski becomes a ghost and Zielińska continues with the session of listening. She plays a few pieces based on her field recordings from the openings around Europe.

Dripping down - sadness from Rafal Zarski on Vimeo.

poniedziałek, 29 kwietnia 2019

Constant rendering

The project is a visualisation of the future. There is no more life on Earth in the real sense of the word, only perfect urban scenery and machines living their meta-lives. The machines don’t know where their progenitors came from, but they do know what their task is. They fill the world with visualisations of the future, and their day, without beginning or end, is structured only by individual tasks: rendering, printing and application of elements into an imaginary urban landscape.

constan rendering-vimeo from Rafal Zarski on Vimeo.

sobota, 19 stycznia 2019

We do it to improve the quality of your life

Artists: Piotr Bruch, Teresa Otulak, Rafał Żarski
Curator: Aurelia Nowak
Production: MOS Miejski Ośrodek Sztuki w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim

" We do it to improve the quality of your life" is a joint project of Piotr Bruch, Teresa Otulak and Rafał Żarski. As part of it, artists raise issues of revitalization, renovation, modernization, restoration and restructuring of urban and social space from various perspectives. The project focuse on the relationships between construction, urban planning, economics and controversial social policy which can leading to gentrification processes.

banner : Cause we change you for the better

3D visualization : Grażyna Olszewska, Rafał Pietrowicz

banner : We will be with you for every future

banner : We are worthy of your trust

banner : We dream about space for you

banner : We dream about space for you

banner : We invest in your trust

We do it to improve the quality of your life

Listen album on 

piątek, 4 stycznia 2019

Palace in the middle of the town

The main subject of the work is a palace Branickich in Bialystok (Poland). The videos was created during a month-long residency at the Arsenał Gallery in Białystok, during which I did a research about relationships between classical architecture of polish palace and its current function and ways of using its areas.
Video on the left side is a choreography based on daily walks of palace visitors. Video on the right side is a raw documentation of palace places. In the middle video I try to make a perfectly straight passage through the palace area along the line which defines the symmetrical layout of the palace.

Palace in the middle of town from Rafal Zarski on Vimeo.